
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

marți, 9 iunie 2015

Summer Songs

 Noi suntem nomazi de felul nostru ori de cate ori avem ocazia si, de obicei,  daca plecam pentru cateva zile, sfarsim prin a strabate sute de km prin tara noastra frumoasa. Am mers la Rasinari, un sat de langa Sibiu, unde ne-am plimbat pe stazile inguste ale acestei veritabile cetati. Situat langa munti (aproape de statiunea Paltinis), casele sunt construite una lipita de cealalta si au porti inalte, care par de nepatruns. Stradutele inguste si pietruite, serpuiesc in sus si in jos si te fac sa te gandesti pe vremea invaziilor, nu era un loc usor de cucerit.

EN: We are nomads every time we get the chance and usually, if we leave for some days, we end up covering hundreds of kilometers of our amazing country. We went to Rasinari, a village near Sibiu and walked the narrow streets of this citadel. Located near the mountains (Paltinis, part of the Meridional Carpathians), the houses are built one next to the other, with tall gates that make it look unbreakable. The streets are narrow, going up and down and this being, probably, a way of protection from invasions in the old times.

Aici s-a nascut Emil Cioran (1911-1995), dar din pacate casa lui nu e vizitabila si statuia care priveste din fata ei nu e in stare prea buna. 

EN:The house of Emil Cioran, romanian philoshoper and writer (1911-1995)
 Piata de sambata, care se intinde de-a lungul strazilor. Poti gasi orie aici, de la branza proaspata pentru care sut renumiti rasinarenii (cu o traditie indelungata in ale oieritului), la legume cultivate local, haine second-hand sau noi, unelte si o gramada de nimicuri.
EN:The Saturday market, streching along the street. You can find anything here, from fresh cheese (the people of Rasinari have a long tradition as shepards), to local vegetables, second-hand or new clothes, tools and so many other things.

 Rasinari a fost si satul natal al lui Ocatvian Goga (1881-1938), dar si locuinta sa este inchisa accesului public si poti doar sa te minunezi la brazii batrani care strajuiesc intrarea.

EN:The house of Octavian Goga (1881-1938), another important cultural personality. He was a valuable poet, who was born here. Unfortunately, this house too cannot be visited...
 O batranica simpatica si curioasa care vazandu-mi straita tesuta de bunica, ne-a chemat in curte sa ne arate ce tesea ea cand avea 15 ani.
EN: A nice and curios old lady, who saw my bag (hand woven by my grandmother) while we were walking on the street and wanted to show us what she was weaving when she was 15.
 Biserica veche din centrul satului are pictata deasupra intrarii o roata, un simbol pe care nu l-am mai intalnit pana acum in picturile religioase, dar cu un mesaj foarte puternic.

EN:  A painting on the old church from the center. We've never seen this wheel symbol on any other church, but it has a very powerful message.
 Am facut o excursie si pe muntii din apropiere, pentru a aduna plante medicinale si am fost rasplatiti cu o priveliste minunata.

EN: We took a trip to the mountains, which were close, to pick up wild medicinal plants and we were rewarded with an amazing view.

Eu si mama, cea de la care am invatat sa iubesc natura si sa ii folosesc roadele.
EN:Me and my mother, from whom I've learned about medicinal plants and their benefits and who passed on her love for nature.

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