
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

vineri, 12 iunie 2015

Twin Souls

Ne-am intors (din nou:) la casuta din munti si ne-am umplut de bucurie si energie cand am vizitat gradina. Nici n-am coborat bine din masina, ca am si facut un tur de recunoastere: toate au crescut in 2 saptamani inca o data si inca o data. Ploaie a fost din belsug, chiar daca in restul tarii domneste uscaciunea, asa ca plantele, scaldate si de soare, au fost rasfatate.

EN: We came back (again:) at our house in the mountains and we were filled with joy when we saw the garden. We barely set foot out of the car, that we took a quick check tour: everything grew in 2 weeks, taller and taller. There was enough rain here, although in the rest of the country it's been quite dry, so the plants, nourished by the sun too, had all the conditions.
 Exista si dezavantaje cand locuiesti in nordul tarii, langa munti (ierni mai luni, uneori mai reci, veri mai scurte), dar sunt si multe parti castigate. In ceea ce priveste gradinaritul, am invatat ca cel mai important e sa gasesti plante adaptate acestui mediu, cu ciclu de viata mai scurt si mai rezistente la temperaturi joase. Aici ploile rar lipsesc, asa ca irigatul nu e o problema, iar vara soarele e cald si binevoitor. Temperaturile ridicate sunt mai usor de indurat inconjurat de padure si verdeata.

EN: There are some bad points when you live in the north, near the mountains (longer winters, sometimes colder, shorter summers), but there are a lot of benefits too. When it comes to gardening, we learned that the most important thing is to find the plants that are suitable to this environment, with shorter life cycle and adapted to the cold. Here the rains are often, so watering is not a problem and in the summer, the sun is warm and pleasant. High temperatures are easier to cope with when you're surrounded by forest and green

 Deja am inceput sa imi fac planuri cu recolta si e asa satisfacator sa merg in gradina si sa rup o frunza de acolo, una de aici, sa scot o ceapa, sa fac salate. Eu cred ca ce cultivam e ca un medicament pentru organismul nostru si chiar daca nu avem suprafete mari, fiecare planta e o infuzie de sanatate. Si sentimentul ca din samanta pe care ai pus-o cu mainile tale in pamant a crescut o planta, care rodeste si te hraneste e foarte binefacator.

EN: I've already started to plan the crop and it's so satisfying to pick up leaves, to take out onion and to make salads! I believe that what we cultivate is like a medicine for our body and even if the surface is not large, each plant is an infusion of health. And the feeling that from the seed you've placed in the ground with your own hands, a plant was born, which grows and fruits...that's priceless.

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