
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

marți, 18 august 2015


Iarba a fost cosita de ceva vreme in livada, iar firisoarele proaspete, verzi, ascund forfota mare: furnicute harnicute, cosasi, gandacei, greieri, cicade, soparle, naparci, paianjeni, fluturi, un intreg ecosistem de pus sub lupa. Seara, cand rasare luna, cicadele pun stapanire pe aerul noptii si parca ar fi un imens difuzor care vibreaza pe frecvente inalte.

EN: The grass in the orchard has been cut since awhile now and the fresh, green, small grains of grass hide a great fuss: ants, grass-hoppers, bugs, crickets, cicadas, lizards, spiders, glass snakes, butterflies, an entire ecosystem to watch under the magnifying glass. In the evenings, when the moon comes out, the cicadas are taking over the night air and it becomes like a giant amplifier that vibrates under high frequencies.
In weekend a fost ziua Marinei Romaniei si ce prilej mai bun puteam avea s testam caiacul pe care l-am cumparat acum doi ani? (!)

EN: Last weekend it was the Romanian Navy Day and we thought it would be a good pretext to test the caiac we bought two years ago (!)

Bineinteles, eu am fost mai putin curajasa si m-am oferit sa documentez foto aventura, pentru a ma convinge ca pot apoi sa ma urc fara stres in "ambarcatiune".

EN: Of course, I was less courageous  and I signed in to take photos of the adventure, from the shore, just to convince myself I can afterwards jump aboard.
Am avut parte de o zi superba de vara, iar canalul raului Moldova s-a dovedit perfect pentru teste si foarte potrivit pentru barca.

EN: We enjoyed a beautiful summer day and the Moldova river canal proved perfect for the tests and suitable for the boat.

Dupa ce m-am convins ca e sigur si distractiv, am facut si eu o tura (in primele minute stand intepenita, pentru ca aveam o senzatie prea ciudata de plutire si iminenta rasturnare:) si a meritat cu siguranta (nu m-am incumetat sa iau si aparatul foto si bine am facut: am iesit buna de stors din poveste).

EN: After I was well convinced that it's safe and fun, I took a round too (in the first minutes I stood perfectly still, while getting the feeling I'm hovering and nearly sinking) ad it was worthy, for sure (I didn't take the camera in and it was a wise decision: I got out of this soaky).

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