
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

luni, 14 septembrie 2015

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De multe ori ma inspira o bucata de lemn sau o floare, dar deseori ma apuc de pictat fara sa stiu exact ce o sa fac. Asa s-a nascut si acest inel, al carui model a curs firesc, s-a creat parca ghidand singur pirogravorul. Simetria e in acelasi timp medaitatie si magie si rezultatul ma uimeste de fiecare data:)
EN: Usually I am inspired by a piece of wood or a flower, but sometimes I start painting without knowing for sure what I'll create. This is how this ring was born: it's design was flowing naturally, created by itself, guiding the wood burning tool. Symmetry is at the same time meditation and magic and the result is always amazing:)
Acum o saptamana, la mare fiind, intr-o micuta biblioteca de pe plaja, am dat peste cartea aceasta, "O lume secreta, mari spioane din secolul al XX-lea", scrisa de Vladimir Fedorovski, a carei coperta promitea mult. De multe ori, cand am chef sa citesc ceva, dar nu am habar ce si intru intr-o librarie, cel mai bun criteriu pe care il aplic este coperta: daca ma atrage, rasfoiesc putin cartea si ma conving daca merita sa o aprofundez. Ei bine, cartea aceasta mi-a lasat o impresie placuta si acum, dupa cateva pagini, sunt perfect satisfacuta de alegere: un mix de istorie, poveste, eroine iesite din comun, puternice, care au avut in maini soarta altor oameni si chiar a unor state, cu vieti active si o inteligenta iesita din comun. O lectura usoara, nu prea incarcata de date, mai degraba accentul pus pe intamplari si portrete. Savuros!

EN: A week ago, while being at the seaside, I've entered a small library and found this book, "A secret world, great women-spies of the XXth century", written by Vladimir Fedorovski, which had a promising cover. Oftenly, when I feel like reading something, but I'm not sure what, if I enter a bookstore, my best criteria is the cover: if it's appealing, I study a bit the inside of the book and easily decide to buy it or not.Well, this book is very promising: a mixture of history and story-telling, powerful women who manipulated man and both their destinies and even those of entire countries, with active lives and highly intelligent minds. An easy reading, not so many historical data, but mainly portraits and events.

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