
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

joi, 22 octombrie 2015

The Color of Nostalgy

Pe dealuri si creste culorile au inceput sa bata spre auriu si aerul miroase a fum, a rece. Adie vantul si pamantul isi pregateste asternutul de frunze vestede. Nu se mai aud asa multe triluri, nici greieri, iar gazele si-au oprit peripluul si s-au culcusit prin crapaturi, scorburi si locusoare calde. "A venit toamna" se aude si se citeste pe chipurile tuturor. E un anotimp incarcat de culoare si roade bogate, dar frumusetea vine si cu neajunsuri : aerul crocant de dimineata, lumina tot mai putina a zilelor care scad si scad si ritmul naturii care incetineste.
Ne grabim sa lasam in ordine livada, gradina, curtea, pentru ca in curand ne vom petrece mai mult timp in casa. E aproape un an de cand locuim "la tara" si ne-am bucurat sa constientizam toate schimbarile naturii, sa observam ciclurile ei si tranzitia anotimpurilor, cu plantele specifice fiecarei perioade, cu provocari, cu bucurii.
Mi-am dat seama cat de binefacator e (cel putin pentru noi), un mediu care sa ne permita sa fugim in padure oricand, sa ne petrecem timp afara, sa culegem roade, sa stam seara la foc...
Noi, oamenii, suntem construiti sa fim liberi, sa exploram, sa stam la soare pe iarba, sa adunam ciuperci si fructe din padure, sa meditam in susurul izvoarelor, sa ne adoarma cantecul pasarilor si fosnetul copacilor.

EN: On the hills and mountains the colors are turning golden and the air smells of smoke and cold. The wind blows and the land prepares its cover of dried leaves. We don't hear so many bird songs, nor crickets and the bugs stopped their fuss and found a warm place to sleep the winter through. "Autumn is here" you can read on everybody's face. It's a season bursting with colors and rich fruits, but all the beauty comes with some costs: the crispy morning air, the fading light of the days decreasing and the slowing rhythm of nature.
We are in a hurry to leave everything in order: the orchard, the garden, the winter, because soon we'll spend more time indoors. It's been almost an year of "country living" and we've enjoyed all the nature's changes, observing it's cycles and the seasons transition, with plants, challenges and joys.
I've come to realize how good it is for us an environment that allows us to run in the forest at anytime, to spend time outside, to pick up fruits, to sit at the fire in the evenings...
Us, humans, are built to be free, to explore, to sit in the sun on the grass, to pick up mushrooms and berries, to meditate in the sound of springs, to fall asleep by the wind over the trees and the song of the birds.

Am gasit in biblioteca o carte cumparat acum vreo cativa ani si mi s-a parut momentul potrivit sa o citesc: "Shaman-Spiritul plantelor", scrisa de Ross Heaven si Howard G. Charing vorbeste despre legatura ancestrala a omului cu plantele si metode prin care acestea il pot ajuta pe drumul descoperirii si al Vietii.

EN: I found in my library a book I've bought some years ago and it felt the right time to read it: "Shaman-The spirit of plants", written by Ross Heaven and Howard G. Charing speaks about the ancestral binding between humans and plants and the way these can help him on the way of discovering and Life.

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