
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

marți, 16 august 2016


Drumurile noastre varatice ne-au purtat in judetul Salaj, in Gradina Zmeilor, un alt loc magic din tara noastra prefrumoasa.
EN: Our summer roads took us in Salaj county, in the Garden of the "Zmei", another magical place in our wonderful country.
Si vizita n-a fost doar o excursie reusita, ci si un prilej sa participam la un eveniment deosebit: "Ziua Canepii", prin care organizatorii au ales sa sarbatoreasca planta care i-a insotit pe stramosii nostri de-a lungul veacurilor, le-a fost sursa de hrana, de fibra, de material de constructii si leac pentru multe afectiuni.

EN: And we paired this great trip with a special event: "The Hemp day", which was a celebration of the plant that stood besides our ancestors for centuries, being their food, fiber source, construction material and cure for many diseases.
Canepa a fost pentru taranul roman planta completa si nu lipsea din nicio gospodarie, iar Romania a fost pentru multi ani unul dintre cei mai mari cultivatori si exportatori de produse din canepa. Din fericire lucrurile incep sa isi reia cursul natural si datorita unor oameni ambitiosi, canepa se reintoarce in gradinile romanilor.

EN: Hemp has been the complete plant for the Romanian peasant and each household had a plantation and Romania has been for many years one of the world leaders in the cultivation and exportation of hemp products. Luckily, things are going back to their natural course and thanks to some ambitious people, hemp is coming back in the gardens.

Noi am participat cu ce ne pricepem mai bine, am tinut ateliere de tir cu arcul si pirogravura si ne-am bucurat de peisajul superb care marginea loctia.
EN: We took part with what we know best: archery and wood engraving workshops and we enjoyed the wonderful surroundings.

Tirul cu arcul cu sageti  a avut mare cautare si cei mai incantati au fost copiii. Adultii au fost impresionati de arcul din lemn de alun, pe care Valentin l-a mesterit manual si s-au bucurat sa afle ca nu e chiar atat de greu sa iti faci singur propriul arc, cu materiale aflate la indemana oricui.

EN: Archery was the highlight and children where the most excited. The adults were impressed by the walnut wood arch, handmade by Valentin and were glad to find out that it's not that difficult to make your own.

Si bineinteles am traforat si am pirogravat alaturi de copii talentati si incarcati cu voie buna molipsitoare.

EN: And of course we used the fret saw and the wood burning tool to bring to life the imagination of the beautiful and happy children who joined us.

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