
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

miercuri, 4 aprilie 2018


 Biserica fortificata din Seica Mare, Sibiu.

Zile tot mai lungi, soare tot mai cald, verde tot mai mult in jur, sunete tot mai vii si momente tot mai colorate. Cam asa as rezuma zilele astea superbe, de care ne bucuram din plin. Am inceput primavara sub semnul mobilitatii: pe de o parte excursii si drumetii, iar pe cealalta, micutul Carol care a invatat sa mearga si acum cucereste lumea si se indeparteaza tot mai mult de noi, profitand de nou decoperita independenta. Suntem incantati de incantarea lui pentru fiecare pietricica, fiecare crenguta, pe care vine si ni le prezinta plin de entuziasm. E minunat sa vad cum descopera lumea si totul e pentru el o bucurie, o placere. Ne aminteste si noua de frumusetea intrinseca a vietii si ne da energie, chiar daca ma simt franta dupa o zi plina, in care l-am urmat in aventura vietii:)

EN: Longer days, warmer sun, greener surroundings, more and more alive sounds and more colorful moments. This would be the sum up of these gorgeous days, which we fully enjoy. We started spring under the sign of movement: on the one side, trips and traveling and on the other, little Carol who has learned to walk and is now conquering the world,by going further and further, taking advantage of his newly discovered independence. We are delighted with his amazement for every stone and twig, which he presents to us enthusiastically. It is wonderful to see him learn about the world around him. Through his joy and pleasure we remember about the beauty of life and he fills us with energy, although after a full day of joining him in the adventure I feel exhausted:)

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