
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

joi, 13 noiembrie 2014

Twin Souls

E firesc atunci cand esti inconjurat de albastru (fie el oceanul, cu nuantele lui turcoaz sau cerul, de un azur limpede), sa ai tendinta sa il pui peste tot. Probabil o buna perioada de acum inainte o sa imbratisez "clisee" si voi picta de soare si de apa :)

Ne-am luat in serios roul de exploratori si in fiecare zi batem kilometri de-a lungul tarmului (momentan nu ne putem dezlipi de valuri si briza sarata). Desi e soare, care la primul contact cu pielea pare amenintator, temperatura e in jur de 25 de grade Celsius, adica o primavara superba.

Am trecut printr-o rezervatie de cactusi, impanzita de tot soiul de teposi si plante ciudate, cu frunze carnoase si suculente (ne-am promis ca de cum o sa intalnim o librarie, o sa cautam un determinator de plante din flora locala). Ba chiar am putut manca din fructele de cactus, care cresc din abundenta (la noi in supermarket am platit 8 lei ca sa gustam unul:))

 Si de sus, de pe creasta am avut o surpriza placuta: jos, de-a lungul tarmului, se zareau un soi de casute care semanau a sat african, grote locuite si corturi colorate. Spaghetti Bay, asa numesc localnicii zona si e un soi de "rezervatie"pentru cei mai boemi dintre turisti.

Am coborat inspre plaja si am stat de vorba cu niste personaje foarte interesante. Unii dintre ei stateau de luni bune acolo, altii de abia sosiera si parca n-ar mai fi plecat. Au curatat zona, au amenajat un barulet boem, standuri cu diverse lucrusoare facute manual, din piele, lemn, un satic dragut, cu oameni prietenosi, care pentru turistii care vin cu catamaranul in zona sunt un soi de ciudatenie pozabila.

Relieful arata minunat si o data ajunsi pe plaja ne-a cuprins o senzatie de liniste, totul a stat, ca la inceputuri.

E uimitor cum la cativa kilometri distanta, pe aceeasi insula, poti gasi doua lumi: cea aglomerata, construita, unde toata lumea incearca sa iti vanda, sa se vanda, sa iti ofere, sa te incarce, unde totul in jur vuieste, bazaie si bucatica de Rai, unde valurile sunt soundsytem si doar natura are de oferit.

EN: We decided to interract with the island like the old times explorers: just walk around it, up and down and all over, to discover places and people. That's how we arrived in a beautiful place, which the locals call "Spaghetti Bay" (couldn't find out yet why:)
Here, the people who wanted to run away from the fuss, are camping, some of them in tents, others in caves or in palm-tree hand built cottages. They created together a beautiful "village": they cleaned the garbage, built a small caffee, they sell their handmade stuff, of leather, wood or natural materials and leave in common. Some of them have been there for some months, some just arrived and feel like they will live there forever.
We stopped and talked to these interesting people, with many diffrent stories, who just enjoy life and feel free.
It's amazing how you cand find two diffrent worlds, in a couple of kilometres range: the built one, with restaurants and people who try to sell you stuff, to offer you stuff, where noises shout at you and the chill one, with wave sounds and only nature who offers you beauty (and a little catus here and there to remaind you not to loose yourself:)
We'll probably spend some days there, by tent. It could almost be Paradise, excpet for the water, which has to brought from a distance, cause the ocean is very salty.

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