
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

luni, 12 ianuarie 2015

Queen of Hair

Din cand in cand ma loveste cate o idee creata, care ma bantuie, dar cumva nu stiu de unde s-o apuc, cum sa o pun pe panza. Si intr-o zi ma trezesc pur si simplu si... o vad!  Cam asa a fost si povestea acestei sacose, pe care am pregatit-o de ceva timp si am lucrat incet, pe indelete, pana mi-a placut ce vad:)

E inspirata de o persoana minunata si inca nu imi fac curaj sa i-o daruiesc (parca atunci cand lucrezi un cadou pentru cineva apropiat devii foarte tipicar:)
Intre timp am hotarat sa imi "gauresc" programul si sa imi reiau lecturile. Iarna cartile sunt mai savuroase si timpul pare propice activitatilor relaxante: o carte, un ceai, momente de visare... Frunzaream bibioteca si am dat peste un titlu care mi-a atras atentia: "Folclorul medical roman comparat", scrisa de I.-Aurel Candrea. Am rasfoit-o putin si m-a incantat. E mai mult decat o carte cu plante si remedii naturiste traditionale, deoarece trateaza tot felul de superstitii si practici stravechi (deochiul, zilele in care nu se lucreaza, nume populare date unor boli etc.) si multele obiceiuri din diverse zone ale tarii, cu impact asupra sanatatii,  pierdute in negura vremilor. Ce poate fi mai potrivit cu zilele scurte si geroase de iarna, decat o carte care sa ma aduca aproape de stramosi si vechi credinte.

EN: I've painted this cotton bag as a gift... but I haven't managed to offer it, yet:) It's funny how when you create something for a close person, you tend to be very careful and somehow you don't dare to give it, asa if it may not express exactly and fully what you thought off. Hmmm...complicated mind, playing tricks:))
I've also started to read a bit more, as I took some time off from this pleasant activity. But when I found this book in our living room, I knew I want to read it. It is called "Comparative look into Romanian medical folklore" and it's about ancient believes and superstitions concerning health and body integrity. The Romanian people have a great knowledge about natural remedies and also a lot of practices that some may find "primitive" and they were passed from one generation to the other. I can't wait to dig more into this so promising book:)

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