
Unique, handmade wearable art.
Made with joy, for free spirits!

luni, 27 iulie 2015

Home, Sweet Home

 In fiecare zi, dimineata (cateodata devreme, de multe ori mai tarziu), ies in curte si ma bucur de soarele cald, verdele din jur si trilurile pasarelelor neastamparate care vin si se infrupta din zmeura si coacaze. Le-am aranjat si un loc unde punem seminte si faramituri, pentru a putea sa sa le studiem pe fereastra din bucatarie.
EN: Every day, in the morning (sometimes early, most of the times late), I go out in the yard to enjoy the sun, the green around and the happy birds singing, while they come to eat the raspberries and the gooseberries. We created a place where we put seed or crumbles, so that we can watch them from the kitchen.
De-a lungul lunilor in care am avut casuta in Prisaca Dornei am vazut zeci de specii de pasari pe care nu le cunoastem si am hotarat sa gasim un determinator ornitologic, pentru a ne imbogati cunostintele. E minunat sa traiesti aproape de natura! Te ajuta sa fii atent la ce se intampla in jur, sa te bucuri de lucruri marunte cum ar fi un cal de iarba sau un pestisor timid zarit cu coada ochiului in raul repede! In plus, ritmul zilelor incepe sa se aseze si avem senzatia ca totul curge firesc si nu e nevoie sa ne grabim sau sa facem. Ne bucuram sa umblam desculti pe iarba, sa stam seara la foc, sa adunam roadele gradinii, sa respiram aerul din padure...incet, fara graba si termene limita.
EN: Along the months we've been living in Prisaca Dornei, we saw tens of birds' species, that we don't know, so we decided to find an ornithological album. It's wonderful to live close to nature! It helps you to pay attention to everything around, to enjoy the small things, like a grasshopper or a fish in the scold stream.The rhythm of the days is starting to settle and we get the feeling that everything is the way it should be and there's no need to hurry or to do. We are happy to walk bare feet in the grass, to sit next to the fire in the evening, to pick up the fruits or to breathe the fresh forest air...slow, with no hurry and no deadlines. 
Pentru ca mi-am propus ca seara sa citesc macar cateva pagini, am inceput o carte noua, despre care am citit candva pe internet: "Caleidoscopul unei jumatati de veac in Bucuresti (1900-1950)", memorii scrise de Constantin Beldie. Acesta reuseste, intr-un limbaj cumva arhaic, sa construiasca imaginea unui Bucuresti complet diferit de capitala pe care o cunoastem azi, colorat si cu intamplari de pomina. Mie una imi place tare mult si e o carte care ma covinge cu fiecare pagina sa mai citesc proza memorialistica, de care pana acum am fugit.
EN: Because I've decided to read every day at least a few pages, I've started a new book, that I've read about on the internet some time ago: "The kaleidoscope of Bucharest along 50 years", memoirs written by Constantin Beldie. He creates the image of Bucharest at the beginning of the 20th century, so different of the capital we know today, colorful, with funny and strange stories. It's a book that made me want to read more memoirs (I was running away from this type of writing).

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